It’s definitely a great tool for those who are bothered by the game’s aging design. It’s actually a collection of other mods, but they all work together to make Morrowind look a little more like a modern game. If you want to see a much more impressive version of the game, it’s definitely recommended that you pick up the Sound and Graphics Overhaul pack. While the plot of Morrowind remains amazing and the sidequests are still some of the best in the series, the game is definitely showing its age when it comes to design. While this patch certainly won’t amaze most first-time players of the game, it is nonetheless one of the best Morrowind mods. The Unofficial Morrowind Patch seeks to correct some of the mistakes that are in the game, ranging from quests that won’t complete to misspellings in journals. Unfortunately, Morrowind is old enough that it didn’t receive the kind of post-release support that most would expect from a modern game and thus many of the most annoying bugs are still kicking around. It wouldn’t be a Bethesda game without a ton of bugs. Below are some of the best Morrowind mods. With thousands of mods out there, most new players need a little help determining what to download. A huge part of why it’s been able to do so is also likely because of the modding community. With a combination of great storytelling and a compelling setting, it’s managed to keep an audience for years after its release. Morrowind is one of the best-regarded games in the Elder Scrolls series.