As Kyle, you're developing into a Jedi with all sorts of skills and abilities at your disposal that you will need as the game presses on. Jedi Knight's main appeal lies in the assortment of weapons and force abilities you'll acquire from mission to mission. This part of the game has you blasting your way through new and familiar locales throughout the classic Star Wars Universe that everybody likes and even has you running into icons like Lando Calrissian and some Skywalker guy. Gameplay The main story puts players in the role of Kyle Katarn, the sometimes Jedi Knight who has to get reacquainted in the ways of The Force if you're going to see him through this latest adventure.
Developed in conjunction with the critically acclaimed Raven Software using Quake III engine.
Two-player multiplayer modes include Jedi training and team-based play. Explore authentic Star Wars locales - Cloud City, the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon, plus never-before-seen locations. Battle with an arsenal of weapons: stun baton, Bryar blast pistol, blaster rifle and more. Employ combat or stealth, depending on the situation. Tap into the powers of the Force including Jump, Push, Jedi Mind Tricks and more. Expanded and enhanced use of the lightsaber features a slew of attack and defense moves. While the Star Wars look and feel as well as many of the game's great gameplay elements remain intact, the game falls graphically well below the other versions and lacks the fine-tuned controls of the PC original. Sadly, the game didn't transition as well to GameCube.